RN version 7.5.24003.1

Released: 22.01.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX
Version No: 7.5.24003.1
Please contact our support (support@migraven.com) for a download link and for update support.


At every point in migRaven, where an account is displayed, it is now clear whether the user account has the status active / deactivated or deleted (orphaned).  

Fixed a bug that incorrectly marked a task as successfully completed even though no permission could be set for the directory. The error is now caught and written correctly to the log.

migRaven.24/7 Data Retention now offers an optimized view for archive projects in the web client. Data and structures within the archive are protected against further changes. Authorizations are managed exclusively in the active data area and later transferred to the archive. One innovation is direct access to archives directly from the “My Folders” page. To improve clarity, the feature set in the archive area has been simplified. For example, managing data retention in this area is no longer possible. Changes to permissions are only made in the active directory and then reflected in the archive.

 This feature is exclusive to owners migRaven.one license available. When creating migration tasks migRaven.one now allows you to choose between the options '/purge' and '/merge'. This choice affects the way data is transferred, particularly in the context of using Robocopy within the migRaven.one frameworks. For more details about Robocopy, see: robocopy | Microsoft Learn. The '/purge' option is specifically intended for migrating into empty, new directories, while the '/merge' option should be used when migrating data into existing directories.

The table in the task management has been expanded to include the columns “Delete Source Folder” and “Merge/Purge” for improved usability. More on task management.

This functionality stands only migRavenAvailable to .one licensees. The migration tasks may receive the status “Error” or “Warning”. More on this. 

Improving usability for filtering tasks. At the same time, statistics for each individual task type are displayed in the form : . More on this.

The status “copied” is set when a migration job has been successfully completed and the source directory is not deleted at the end.  More on task management.

Our new bulk editing feature allows you to update multiple tasks at once. You can now easily select a group of tasks and change their status, start date, due date, priority and dependencies in one step. All changes are automatically logged in the task log so you can track exactly what was changed.

First select the tasks you want to work on (1). Then click on the 'Edit selected' button (2). A sidebar will then open where you can make changes to all selected tasks at the same time. More on this.

If you click on the image, the original size will be displayed.

An improved directory usage overview now makes it possible to identify inactive directories assigned to data owners. These can be archived or deleted directly. Administrators also have the option of creating a clarification task for the associated data owner if they are uncertain about a directory. More on this.

New to system monitoring is the system log, which can be found for each entry in the detailed view (1) in the last column “System log” (2). This includes all available task messages for each entry. If necessary, the text content can be copied.

If you click on the image, the original size will be displayed.

Example system log:

If you click on the image, the original size will be displayed.

If directories that have previously been assigned a task are deleted from the file system, then those tasks will be archived and displayed as such. This makes it possible to fully understand all actions in the event of a check. This is the usual process when directories have been actively removed, for example by a delete task.

To better distinguish and classify user accounts, the UPN is now displayed for all user tokens in addition to the user name. Particularly useful is flagging deactivated or expired accounts to manage permissions more efficiently.

If you click on the image, the original size will be displayed.


In general, all accounts that have logged into AD in the last 90 days (LastLoginTimestamp) are counted for the license. Excluded from this are accounts that do not have a first or last name stored, as well as accounts that begin with “Healthmailbox” (Exchange Accounts).

The heading has been changed from “Token Management” to “Management Group Black./Whitelisting”. There is also a new description text and small improvements to the table. More on this.

Fixed bugs


The logic for storing directory structure information in the migRaven-Database has been adapted to migRaven Managed folder – defined by criteria such as assigned data owners, creation via migRaven, and management of permissions – detect changes more efficiently and assign changes precisely. The identification process uses a combination of directory ID, volume serial, and directory names to reliably identify renamed, moved, or modified directories during file server scans, including special cases such as server migrations or DFS usage with multiple namespace servers. More on this.

In rare cases there was a problem where new permission groups were created for individual permissions on directories even though groups already existed. The background was that the unique identifier of the directories from the database no longer matched the identifier that was stored in the group description. This happens when the directory or the entire directory tree is moved to another volume (for example when migrating the file server). This is why it is important to keep this in mind in these migration scenarios. 


The ACL view sidebar in the directory tree is updated in the background after selecting another directory again. This enables a quick evaluation of all ACLs






Permission management: Fixed a layout error in the department explorer. This can be accessed in the authorization management when a department is granted access. All members of a department are listed there. (6024)

The bug affected insufficient logging and email notification when initially granting permissions to previously unmanaged directories. When rights were first assigned to an account for such directories, in rare cases neither the actions were logged correctly nor notification emails were sent, even though the process was marked as successfully completed in the system.

The error in the Active Directory group migRaven-Fixed FSS blacklist where banning groups did not result in banning individual users.

The user search for user accounts was in rare cases due to the migRaven-FSS Blacklist group in Active Directory blacklist applied incorrectly.

Important note: For this bug fix to work, the of migRaven generated archive projects must be completely scanned by the Fat Client before the update is installed.










#5835 Desktop Client: Systray: Corrected grammatical errors in “About migRaven.24/7"

Permanent link to this post: https://help.migraven.com/januar-release-von-migraven-erweiterte-aufgabenverwaltung-effizienzsteigerung/